World Travel Markets is the largest b2b travel event in the world. Whilst working for Intuitive Design I designed a new creative that could be used and adapted across a large event portfolio. With events all over the world the idea needed to be easily adaptable to each event. We won the creative pitch against seven other creative agencies along with the production contract.

The creative was designed to last five years. With this in mind I kept the design as clean as possible in order for it not to date. Using a colour palette from the pre existing logo in order to distinguish the regional events. The main focus of the creative was based around the events photography which consisted of a range of activities. From fun cultural dances to serious business meetings to show all sides of the event. Mixed in with beautiful travel photography that is easy on the eye.

To keep the brand constiant I created guidelines so if ever taken over by inhouse designers everything would match. It was also advised that any design work passed through us before hand to keep on track of the brands feel.

Overall the creative lead to many years of business and many great working relations and was fun to be part of.